Travel 101 – Travel Must-Haves For Family Trips

Oma H. Barnett

Think of some of the greatest books and movies of all time; now think of how many of those great books and movies involved travel – from Fievel travelling to America to Frodo Baggins travelling to Mordor. This is no coincidence; travel is one of the greatest adventures in life, and in this modern age anyone can do it! Gone are the days when only hardened adventurers risked life and limb to explore just a few hundred miles. Today’s technological advances in transportation and communication mean that even with children in tow, heading off for a short break or a long odyssey doesn’t have to be fraught with difficulty.

Below, we list a few must-haves – the most important of which is travel insurance – for family trips in order to ensure you make most of the experience.

A Plan

No holiday is without its challenges, and for family trips abroad the most likely challenge will be logistics. The key to a great trip is making and sticking to a plan. Schedules (from leaving for the airport to coming back home), packing, budgeting, accommodation, your itinerary (with regards to attractions to visit), and keeping track of which suitcase belongs to whom are just a few of the things you need to juggle in the planning of your trip. You also need a contingency plan in the event of emergencies, such as lost or stolen luggage, cancelled flights, or even unforeseen accidents. Fortunately, having travel insurance for family trips means that you’ll have access to the help you may need in the event of emergencies and, depending on your policy, compensation for lost property, cancelled trips, or medical expenses incurred.

A First-Aid Kit

Let’s face it, adventures always involve a certain amount of risk, whether its eating cuisine you are unfamiliar with or paragliding in the Alps. As always, being prepared is always key to being able to fully enjoy your trip; knowing you’re prepared for minor emergencies such as skinned knees from biking through the Tuscan countryside or a bellyache from eating too much gelato can give you peace of mind, as well as contribute to a speedy recovery and ensure things are back to normal as soon as possible. In the event that you or a family member needs more than just first-aid, having travel insurance for family holidays helps ensure your access to immediate and appropriate medical and emergency treatment – including medical evacuation if necessary. Having travel insurance for family breaks also means you can be compensated for financial loss related to cutting your trip short due to the emergency.

A Good Camera to Capture Memories

Naturally, you’re going to want pictures of your holiday and a good camera is one of the most essential pieces of technology to take along. While nearly everyone has access to a camera on their phone these days, a digital camera is definitely the best option as they can shoot hundreds of photos with one battery charge, as well as store thousands of photos on a single storage card. Good digital cameras can be pricey, though, so make sure you’ve includes your camera (and those of any other family members) under your travel insurance. For family holidays, memories caught on camera are the most precious souvenirs you will bring home – make backups of the files and sure you don’t lose them.

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