Make Dough Writing Online – Travel Writing Can Make Money Fly Into Your Bank Account

Oma H. Barnett

The travel industry is alive and doing well in this day and age and with it comes the opportunity to make dough by writing about vacation spots and destinations online.

Even though we are in the middle of a downturn in the economy people are still going to take vacations. This makes the travel writer a very valuable commodity, in fact because of the current economic situation being a travel writer can be even more profitable.

A travel writers job is to write about places to go, what to do when you get there and how to find the best deals on everything to do with the trip, there and back. As a travel writer you need to convince the reader that the place they are thinking about taking their vacation is the best place in the world to go. Remember you have 400-500 words to persuade them to book their vacation here.

You descriptions should include information about the hotels; are they clean and roomy, are they close to amenities, is the room service good and are they expensive? What is there to do in the local area, are there plenty of places to go during the day, and how is the nightlife? You can do this without having to actually go to these places as there is usually plenty of information available if you do your research, of course it is much easier if you can write about places you have been. In fact being able to write about places you have been gives you a good reason to travel to these places.

There are several ways to make money writing about travel, you can submit samples of your work to travel magazines for publishing, you can contact various hotels and resorts in destination locations to see if they would like you to write for their brochures and online websites and there are a great number of travel websites that are always looking for a fresh look at familiar places.

There are also companies that look for writers who have a flair for this type of work that will hire you to provide content for their websites. Many of these companies will pay per article and while each article may not pay a great deal if you write enough of them the money adds up quickly.

Finally you can start your own travel website and place your work online for people to read, the way to make money here is to write eBooks with much greater detail about particular places to visit and what there is for the vacationer. You can use your website to sell the eBooks to those who want to know more than just the basic information in your articles.

If you have a flair for writing quality content and a love of travel this can be the perfect union and get you started in a long happy career, not to mention being able to take the visits to some of these destinations as a tax deduction. Writing travel information online can be an excellent way to make dough and have fun at the same time.

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