NYC Parking Tickets Are All Over the News

Oma H. Barnett

For immediate release

More parking tickets are being issued than ever – why???

It’s been all over the news – Fox 5’s John Deutzman’s story revealed

that parking tickets are being issued with false addresses. If these

addresss really existed, they’d be blocks into the Atlantic Ocean. ABC’s

Nina Pineda covered drivers who’d received parking tickets while

handing over their vehicles to valet parking attendants outside

expensive NYC restaurants. Drivers have complained that they’ve been

receiving parking tickets in the time it takes them to exit their cars

(quarters in hand) and get to the parking meter. But what is the

connecting thread?

The quotas that are never satisfied

There have long been rumors that there are quotas that must be met

be NYC police officers and traffic agents regarding traffic and parking

summonses. In the past year, a city arbitrator has declared these

rumors fact. In a closed-door union-grievance hearing, police officers

testified that they were given specific directions by their superiors to

issue set numbers of parking and other traffic violations or face

disciplinary action. It now seems clear that those who issue parking

tickets are willing to falsify addresses, pounce on unsuspecting

motorists without even giving them what should be the mandatory time

to feed a meter and otherwise give out tickets unfairly, just to satisfy

the quotas. Apparently, it doesn’t matter that the tickets are completely

bogus, only that they are written.

Copyright 2006 Rhythmo Productions

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