Holidays in Barbados – Word of Advice For Those Taking a Trip on a Tight Budget

Oma H. Barnett

Barbados is located in the Caribbean, and the island’s land area is around 430 square kilometers, with 97 kilometers of coastline considered as a top-rated and excellent destination for those who want an active and memorable holiday. Most tourists view the place as a great place to retreat from the stresses of everyday urban living, and its lovely white-sand beaches and hospitable people make for a truly relaxing and enjoyable experience. However, for those who wish to go here, but are currently in a financial pinch of sorts, it helps to delve a considerable amount of time into planning your trip first.

Learn as much about Barbados: A lot of preparation needs to be done, because it helps in making informed and well-thought decisions that are based on your travel preferences and expected budgets, as well as in preparing for all the necessary documents and travel arrangements. You need to bear in mind that the preparations you undertake will surely pay-off in a large part, because once you’re there already, you rest in the fact that you’ve considered all the possibilities and made the plans in advance.

It would also be good to learn as much as you can about the island, in order to stay on the safe side, and get accustomed to local customs and behavior. Get to know more about the island’s varying regions, and note down the benefits or drawbacks of going to a specific place. Find out the average hotel costs for each region, check out which establishments offer cheaper but well-maintained accommodations, and know how much the food costs there. For instance, those who prefer water sporting activities would wish to stay longer on the island’s northeastern coast, where they will find that the waves offer better opportunities for avid surfers.

Transport Tips: The country’s airport, the Grantley Adams International Airport, is located on the southern coast of the island. You need to know that there are only a few vehicle rental companies that have offices on the airport; however you’ll easily find one that will pick customers up. If you can’t get a rental vehicle, you could choose from hailing a taxi or by riding a local bus service. Buses are considered as the most affordable forms of transportation in the island. Currently, three types of buses service the island, ranging from government-operated public buses that have the most extensive routes; to privately-owned minibuses as well as route taxis. Car rentals are also seen as a good way of getting around the island.

While most of the island’s rent-a-car companies are not yet affiliated with major overseas rental firms, it’s still relatively easy to book a vehicle, negotiate for the best possible rates, and have someone pick you up at your hotel or inn. If you wish to drive the rental car yourself, you need to obtain a temporary driving permit, and these however can be obtained for a small fee. Taxis are also readily available here, and most have fares which are regulated by the government. The problem is, the taxis here are unmetered, so you first need to establish a fare in advance before you go sightseeing. If you want to go around town the easy and relatively inexpensive way, bicycles are available, and these can be rented in Maxwell and Hastings.

According to seasoned travelers, getting around on the island should be relatively safe and easy, because it has a well-developed bus and taxi transport service. First-time tourists could very much take the bus and tour half of the island for just around $0.75 US cents.

Please do remember that you should give as much attention to detail before starting your trip, so that you won’t have to hunker down and sulk while you’re already there, because you need not cheat yourself out of the chance to experience and enjoy a perfect Caribbean island adventure.

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