Flights to South Africa – Cape Town Making Them Hot and Popular

Oma H. Barnett

Cape Town will be a serious contender when it comes to picking out the world’s most beautiful city. The phenomenal beauty of this majestic piece of land has ensured that there is never a dearth of tourists at Cape Town. People from every nook and corner of the world buy tickets on airlines just to witness the grandiose and the poetic scenery that is being offered by a city that lies at the very end of the African Continent!

Top Cape Town Attractions

The number of tourist attractions in Cape Town is cumbersomely huge – beautiful beaches, iconic mountain, manmade marvels, world class shopping spots and everything else under the sun – making it comprehensible why cheap tickets on flights to South Africa sell out as fast as greased lightning. Let us take a look at some of the top ones that ensure that travel operators around the keep on rolling out attractive holiday packages!

Table Mountain

Table Mountain will perhaps be at the top of any list that has something to do with Cape Town’s tourism. A World Heritage Site, Table Mountain is one big reason that most passengers on flights to South Africa are probably landing up in Cape Town! The magnificent mountain enchants many under its spell of beauty, grandiose and splendour. Travel to the top of the mountain via a cable car and take in the grand view of the city from the summit, and you will surely thank your cheap tickets on flights to South Africa for allowing you have such a majestic experience!

Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden

The celebration of South African flora – Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden is incredibly popular tourist spot that just transports people into a land of peace and tranquility. Check out the nature’s wonders that are bestowed upon in this wonderful country of South Africa. Apart from extremely rare plants, Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden also features lovely streams and ponds that add to the visual appeal of these gardens. Go for a casual stroll or sit down to have a lazy picnic – the mesmerising are there to pamper, educate and enlighten you! No wonder, the number of botanists lining up to grab cheap flights to South Africa is increasing day by day!

Robben Island

Indeed cheap flights to South Africa are exceedingly popular but cheap is not a word that you will associate with Robben Island. ‘Intriguing’ is more like it! Robben Island is an incredible tourist spot that stands today as a symbol of a nation’s fight against discrimination and human rights abuses. The island runs a number of educational programmes that impart information on the apartheid era in South Africa. Playing a big past in bludgeoning city tourism, Robben Island ensures that those airline tickets you bought are surely worth every penny!

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