Dreams, Premonitions and Time Travel

Oma H. Barnett

According to its definition, a premonition is a foretelling of the future. Dreams are often premonitions of the subconscious. But what is the scientific basis of premonition? Seeing the future before it happens in your own current reality is time travel. Einstein’s well accepted relativity physics states that time travel is possible, when one object is traveling faster than another object, especially as one object approaches the speed of light, relative to the other.

The earth and all of its inhabitants are traveling near the speed of light relative to a number of other objects in the universe. So let’s explore the Twin Paradox theory of Time Travel and its relationship to dreams and premonitions. Einstein concluded that if there were two twins born on earth, and one of them boarded a space craft, traveled a round trip near the speed of light relative to his twin and returned to earth, his twin would be long dead. Scientists that examine sub-atomic particles confirm the factual nature of the Twin Paradox over and over again as they accelerate particles in large accelerators such as the CERN laboratory.

So based on this assumption, it is not a stretch to conclude that the twin that returns to earth after his travels, could examine the history books or a diary of his dead twin and see the entire life in a moment, relative to a short year or two that had passed on his own journey.

If you understand the nature of vibration in the body, especially relative to eastern chakras, you will begin to understand the nature of time travel in your own body. When your spirit resonates with your 7th and 8th chakras, you are removed from the limitations of your own earthly vessel and can travel near the speed of light, relative to your partner that is lying in bed next to you. This is what allows you, in a state of dreams or meditation, to witness the future before it happens.

Consider for a moment that you are a photon of light, traveling from the sun. According to Einstein’s equations, you are traveling at the speed of light, so that you see the complete history of the universe, from beginning to end, in a single moment. This means that the time experienced in the universe from the moment of the big bang to now, around 14 billion years, can be viewed by the light, from beginning to end, in a moment. Cosmic Background Radiation can be thought of as a premonition of the future of the universe.

Because of the unique characteristics of relativity physics, it does not take a leap of understanding to conclude that although the twin that traveled away from the earth is only one or two years older, a much longer time has passed for his long dead twin, and he arrives back to earth to witness “the future” of his twin.

Everything in the universe is traveling near the speed of light, relative to something else in the universe. So it is easy to conclude that our future has already happened, relative to some other observer in the universe, and our dreams and premonitions are simply the electromagnetic signature of that observable future.

When we dream, meditate or otherwise become free from the bondage of our physical vessel, we time travel. We then have the ability to witness the past and the future, all in a moment. We become like God, which is the light of the universe. In the same fashion, we can consciously shape our futures because there are an infinite number of futures for all of us. Knowing what we want in our lives, especially relative to contributing to the higher vibration of humanity, allows us to shape and mold our future, just as an artist would shape a piece of art.

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