Best Return On Investment – Sure-Fire Path To Wealth Creation In Today’s Economical Crisis

Oma H. Barnett

With all that is going on in the economy, a lot of people are not being told the truth. Many are continuously being lied to by the media about the gradually and incessantly grim and worse economic and political realities not just nationally, but worldwide. The public is satisfied with the pleasure of the present and the moment rather than the current denial of themselves for a better future both for themselves and their children.

Many people are not facing the hard but very sincere truth – that what used to work before is not working anymore. The notion of putting your investments in the hands of your supposedly friendly neighbor called your Financial Advisor who is very knowledgeable about the P&G (Protecting & Growing) of your investment or portfolio. He’s the nice man that gives you a call to wish you a great birthday and checks in with you during holidays… so will he steer me in the wrong direction?

He is the great adviser that told not only you, but the rest of his clients, to be well-rounded, balanced and well-diversified in mutual funds. My question to you is how is that working for you? Perhaps, you should ask him to show you his own financial portfolio to see how he is personally doing with his investments… Then, perhaps, you will have a change of mind as to how to immediately change course.

Speaking of growing your money, it reminds me of the bible parable of the servants with talents – particularly the one with one talent. He had buried his talent with the hope of protecting it so that he wouldn’t lose it. But the problem with that as well, is that keeping your money safely in your savings account is not only not helping you, but it’s rather hurting you. Because of the fact that there is constant inflation in the economy, the money you keep in your bank, not just several months or several weeks, but several days later may be less in value that what it was when you put it into your account. So, putting your money away in the bank, burying it or storing it will hurt you, rather than help you. That is the cold, hard but truthful facts that you need to sincerely come to terms with.

Now, what was the recommendation to the “talent-burying” servant? Well, he was told to have given it to money changers – or those with an expert knowledge of handling one’s finances, so that they could bring in a great return for him, rather than let his investment go idle or dwindle in value. But, then some may go back to the answer of their Financial Advisors. Once again, my response will be that if your Financial Advisor is making great returns that you would like to have in his own personal portfolio, you can perhaps follow him. Otherwise, begin your search today and do not stop until you have found that financial expert that who are making it big in the investing world and go with them and follow their financial principles and philosophy, so that you can begin to achieve the results that they are having, that you would love to have.

So, what is the sure-fire and guaranteed way to have a best return on investment and create wealth in today’s economical crisis? This is how we are making it in the world of investing and the financial markets. Well, a few of us called the insiders are… (wait for it… ) investing in precious metals and emerging markets. Precious metals? Absolutely! Have you noticed what recently happened in the financial markets, particularly, the 1st of March, 2011? There was quite a significant drop in the market – in the DOW and S&P, but this is just the beginning.

Fast-forward to April 22, because of the continuously weak dollar due to inflation, there is a inversely proportional effect happening to precious metals. Gold and Silver are skyrocketing. A particularly recommended precious metal ETF went up by over 180{363bd2a98d15c88227082edbeda0d5f103110265c93869472e5f1256b705561e}… in just 3 months, with over $200/share profit! Again, and this is only just the beginning. Personally, and I feel that would be the same for many of the investors making big in this continuously and steadily declining economy, the tried and true formula which many have always thought the DOW and S&P stocks are, for asset growth and retirement freedom is not working anymore.

Conclusion: So, how do I conclude on this note? The state of the affairs of the economy, that is, the economic and political realities in the US and on the global horizon, are getting grim and worse… and it will probably get much more worse. My recommendation? If you were to defy the public nature (which is normally to reject the truth and continue in the error of their ways), you would be willing to sacrifice and defer your current and enhanced lifestyle until a much further and future date, after you must have been well-positioned for the profiting even in this economy.

My best advice to you is to begin to change your ways and to begin to put all your eggs in the basket of precious metals. My final and very simple questions to you are: “How will your life change if you begin to take action now?” It is for you to fully implement this idea and to begin to see the results very soon. “Are you invested to the fullest in precious metals, particularly in gold and silver based investments?” and “If you are not, why don’t you begin now and begin to experience the great change many are enjoying?”

On a final note, I need to answer some questions/doubts in your mind. You probably have questions in your mind like, “Can I really trust his suggestions/recommendations?” You’re may also be wondering, “what gives him the audacity and the authority to write this article to me?” Well, the results tell it all.

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