Ajijic, Mexico Travel Packing Tip Number 23 – Know What to Bring For Your Ajijic Vacation

Oma H. Barnett

Vacationing in Mexico and Ajijic travel means packing the important stuff. This is the key to planning a successful Ajijic vacation. Casual dress is the operative word here in Lake Chapala. No fancy duds or dress codes are needed.

The following vacation travel tips will give you the insight for easy packing with fewer pieces of luggage. Today’s travel requires that you to pack light for a hassle free airline experience.

Let the Sun Shine

Bring sunscreen for your face and body, a big hat or visor and sunglasses to sun proof yourself from the mid day sun.

The Lake Chapala and Ajijic area is the same latitude as Maui and is a mile high in elevation. In high altitude the sun is closer and quite intense. Because the temperature is so mild here Ajijic visitors don’t realize that they need sun protection just like they need it at the beach. With over 360 sunny days each year sun burn is a real possibility and not fun on any vacation. So, come prepared to protect yourself even if the weather is so comfortable.

These Comfortable Shoes Are Made for Walking

Cobblestone streets and good walking shoes go hand in hand or, in this case foot in foot. Walking in the village of Ajijic is the best way to see all the secret gardens and find those special shops and galleries. There is nothing more beautiful than a stroll in the Ajijic village including walking down by our beautiful Lake Chapala. Even with the best walking shoes you need to watch where you are stepping on the uneven sidewalks or you may twist an ankle.

Get in the habit of stopping when you want to look at something. Have the mindset to look down when walking so you don’t step in a hole or crevice. Eventually, this will become a normal way of walking and you won’t need to think about it.

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